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Outcomes of Completed Processes

This page lists the results of completed processes since the start of the project in September 2016.  The scores are published at the request of the British Embassy, in line with the Memorandum of Understanding.  The purpose of the publication is to improve the transparency of selection processes for senior public officials, and has been progressed after consultation with the Kosovo National Agency for the Protection of Personal Data.

For each process, the dates of interviews are shown, along with the names and implementation partner scores for the candidates considered appointable 

by the Implementation Partners.

At the final interview stage of each process, all candidates completed a structured competency-based interview, presentation and psychometric test. 

The maximum number of available points does vary between processes, depending on the format of the specific assessment. The maximum available score for each process is shown below.

Commission members and the Implementation Partners score candidates independently of one another.  The scores awarded by each assessor are averaged (separately for Commission and Implementation Partners) to produce two sets of final candidate scores (one set each for Commission and Implementation Partners).

For each process, the Commission will submit a list of recommended candidates, along with scores, to the appropriate bodies as outlined in the relevant regulations.  

For each process, the Implementation Partners will submit a confidential report for the British Embassy.  This report includes both their own and the Commission's scores, along with any observations about candidate performance in the selection process.  These reports are shared with both the Prime Minister and Speaker, in line with the Memorandum of Understanding.  For Municipal Publicly Owned Enterprises, the confidential reports are shared with the relevant Mayor.

The scores shown below are those awarded by the Implementation Partners only.

Candidate identity is anonymised (e.g. Candidate 1) where this has been explicitly requested by the candidate.

Only the highest performing candidates are listed here.  Other candidates may have been assessed within the process, but will have been awarded lower scores by the Implementation Partners than those shown here.

The scores and conclusions highlighted here apply only to the specific selection process described.  Inference should not be drawn about suitability or competence of individuals to perform in another role.

The scores and conclusions are based on the performance of the candidate within this specific selection process.

Director General, Kosovo Customs



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Bahri Berisha:             Score: 29.0

Commission Members:


Naim Baftiu (Chair) (SG of Ministry of Finance) 

Rozafa Ukimeraj (SG of Ministry of Local Govt Admin)

Agron Maxhuni (SG Ministry of Trade & Industry)

Director General, Employment Agency



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Drin Haraçia:              Score: 32.5

Candidate 2:               Score: 30.5

Commission Members:

Naim Baftiu (Chair), Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance 

Kapllan Halimi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture

Fitim Sadiku, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bekim Baliqi, University of Pristina

Burim Ejupi, NGO representative

Director, Kosovo Health Insurance Fund



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Fatmir Plakiqi:             Score: 30.0

Commission Members:

Naim Bardiqi (Chair), Chair of the Board of the Health Insurance Fund

Xhevat Zejnullahu, Member of the Board of the Health Insurance Fund

Rrezart Halili, Member of the Board of the Health Insurance Fund

Izedin Bytyqi, Member of the Board of the Health Insurance Fund and Secretary General of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

Naim Ismajli, Member of the Board of the Health Insurance Fund and Mayor of Shtime Municipality 

Muhamedali Kodra, Member of the Board of the Health Insurance Fund

Director, Central Procurement Agency



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Behgjet Rukiqi:           Score: 29.5

Osman Vishaj:            Score: 28.0

Muhamet Selmani:     Score: 25.5

Behram Abazi:           Score: 21.5

Commission Members:

Naim Baftiu (Chair), Secretary General, Ministry of Finance

Nazmi Zenelaj, Secretary General, Ministry of Economic Development

Veton Firzi, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Halil Kukaj, Professor, University of Pristina

Parim Bajrami, Secretary General, Kosova Chamber of Commerce

Members of the Board, Kosovo Telecommunications Company



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Fidel Krasniqi:            Score: 27.5

Enis Berisha:              Score: 25.5

Muhamet Spahiu:       Score: 25.5

Besa Shatri-Berisha:  Score: 24.0

Naser Rusinovci:        Score: 22.0

Arsim Gosalci:            Score: 20.0

Flamur Keqa:              Score: 20.0

Qemajl Ahmeti            Score: 19.5

Commission Members:

Arben Çitaku (Chair) Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Veton Firzi, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport

Kujtim Gashi, Director General, Agency for Information Society

Rozafa Ukimeraj, Secretary General, Ministry of Local Government Administration

Nebih Shatri, Secretary General, Ministry of Infrastructure

Arton Berisha, Sectretary General, Ministry of Public Administration

Director General, Kosovo Police



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Rashit Qalaj:               Score: 34.5

Samedin Mehmeti:      Score: 34.0

Gazmend Hoxha:        Score: 28.5

Commission Members:

Fitim Sadiku (Chair) Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Rozafa Ukimeraj, Secretary General, Ministry of Local Government Administration

Arben Çitaku, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Florian Qehaja, Executive Director, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies

Benasim Medić, Acting Director, Mitrovica Detention Centre

Board Members, KEK



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Fllanza Beqiri Hoxha: Score: 31.0

Arsim Fetahu:             Score: 29.0

Izet Ibrahimi:               Score: 26.0

Agim Matoshi:             Score: 25.0

Ruzhdi Zeqiri:             Score: 23.0

Gjelosh Vataj:             Score: 21.5

Mehdi Pllashniku:       Score: 20.0

Commission Members:

Nazmi Zenelaj, (Chair), Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Development 

Naim Baftiu, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance

Izedin Bytyqi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

Beqir Mezelxhiu, Chief Executive, Kosovo Agency for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety

Ilir Morina, Chief Executive, Kosovo Agency for Environmental Protection

Besian Mustafa, Director General of KIESA

Professor Besfort Rrecaj, University of Pristina, Dean of the Faculty of Law

Members of the State Aid Commission



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Fortuna Shaqiri Haxhikadrijaj:          Score: 27.5

Alban Elshani:            Score: 23.5

Mehmet Krasniqi:       Score: 22.5

Bashkim Mustafa:       Score: 22.0

Asdren Osaj:              Score: 20.0

Shqipe Arifaj :             Score: 19.5

Commission Members:

Driton Selmanaj, (Chair of Panel)  Chair of Public Finance Oversight Committee 

Lumir Abdixhiku, Chair of Budget & Finance Committee

Sala Berisha-Shala, Chair of Committee for Economic Development, Trade, Industry & Regional Development

Secretary General, Ministry of Justice



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Qemajl Marmullakaj:   Score: 32.5

Commission Members:

Fitim Sadiku (Chair), Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Arben Çitaku, Secretary General of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning

Veton Firzi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Haxhi Gashi, Dean of the Law Faculty, University of Pristina

Berat Rukiqi, NGO/Kosova Chamber of Commerce representative

Chair, Board of the Energy Regulatory Office



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Candidate 1:               Score: 26.5

Fadil Ismajli:               Score: 26.0

Petrit Pepaj:               Score: 23.0

Commission Members:

Fitim Sadiku (Chair), Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Fidaim Sahiti, CEO of the Geological Service of Kosovo / MED 

Veton Firzi, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Ruzhdi Sefa, Professor, at Hasan Prishtina University in Pristina 

Ilir Morina, CEO, Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA)

Secretary General,

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

None of the candidates were deemed appointable by the Implementation Partners.

Commission Members:

Kapllan Halimi (Chair), SG of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development

Fitim Sadiku, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Veton Firzi, SG of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Prof. Bedri Statovci, Faculty Professor at University Haxhi Zeka

Olivera Ceni, NGO Representative (Kosova Chamber of Commerce)

Director General, Kosovo Correctional Service



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Nehat Thaçi:               Score: 25.0*

* Some development required if appointed

Commission Members:

Bajram Bujupi, Director General at Ministry of Justice (Chair)

Heset Loku, Director of the Correctional Centre at Ministry of Justice

Driton Muharremi, Judge at the Court of Appeals

Besim Kelmendi, State Prosecutor

Avni Puka, Professor at the University of Prishtina

Director, Agency for Vocational Educational Training Agency and for Adults In Kosovo



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Fikrije Zymberi:           Score: 31.5

Anton Gojani :             Score: 27.5

Commission Members:

Kapllan Halimi (Chair), Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry & Rural Development

Demush Shasha, Secretary General, Ministry for European Integration

Shkelzen Syla, Secretary General, Ministry for Kosovo Security Force

Hysen Ismajli, Professor, University of Pristina

Olivera Ceni, NGO Representative, Kosova Chamber of Commerce

Deputy Director General, Kosovo Police



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Riza Shillova:              Score: 39.0

Samedin Mehmeti:      Score: 33.0

Florije Hajra:                Score: 26.0

Commission Members:

Fitim Sadiku (Chair) Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Rozafa Ukimeraj, Secretary General, Ministry of Local Government Administration

Arben Çitaku, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

Florian Qehaja, Executive Director, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies

Benasim Medić, Acting Director, Mitrovica Detention Centre

Deputy Director, Kosovo Property Comparison & Verification Agency



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Albiona Maloku:          Score: 27.5

Mark Buzhala:             Score: 27.5

Enis Berisha:               Score: 27.0

Commission Members:

Selim Selimi (Chair), Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister

Ekrem Kastrati, Secretary General, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 

Veton Firzi, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Director, Kosovo Property Comparison & Verification Agency



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Florije Kika:                 Score: 29.5

Commission Members:

Selim Selimi (Chair), Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister

Ekrem Kastrati, Secretary General, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 

Veton Firzi, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Director, Kosovo Accreditation Agency



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Naim Gashi:                Score: 33.0

Anton Gojani :             Score: 27.5

Afrim Loku:                  Score: 26.0*

Rifat Morina:               Score: 24.5*

* Some development required if appointed

Commission Members:

Izedin Bytyqi (Chair), Secretary General, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, 

Veton Firzi, Secretary General, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports 

Naim Baftiu, Secretary General, Ministry of Finance

Ejup Fejza, University of Pristina

Fatlum Gogiqi, Representative of NGOs

Managing Director, Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) 



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Njazi Thaçi:                 Score: 28.5

Commission Members:

Faruk Hajrizi  (Chair) (KEK Board Member)

Fllanza Beqiri-Hoxha (KEK Board Member)

Izet Ibrahimi (KEK Board Member) 

Mehdi Pllashniku (KEK Board Member) 

Gjelosh Vataj (KEK Board Member)

Ilir Rama (KEK Board Member)

Secretary General, Ministry of Trade & Industry



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Gentiana Islamaj:        Score: 34.0

Commission Members:

Arben Çitaku (Chair), Secretary General, Ministry of Environment & Spatial Planning

Fitim Sadiku, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Naim Baftiu, Secretary General, Ministry of Finance

Bedri Statovci, Faculty Professor, University of Pristina

Parim Bajrami, Secretary General, Kosovo Chamber of Commerce

Secretary General, Ministry of Trade & Industry



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Gentiana Islamaj:        Score: 34.0

Commission Members:

Arben Çitaku (Chair), Secretary General, Ministry of Environment & Spatial Planning

Fitim Sadiku, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Naim Baftiu, Secretary General, Ministry of Finance

Bedri Statovci, Faculty Professor, University of Pristina

Parim Bajrami, Secretary General, Kosovo Chamber of Commerce

Executive Board Members,

Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 40

Fadil Ismajli:               Score: 35.0

Candidate 2:               Score: 33.5

Naim Sahiti:                Score: 27.0

Skender Buja:             Score: 26.0

Commission Members:

Naim Baftiu (Chair), Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance

Fidaim Sahiti, CEO at Geological Service of Kosovo / Ministry of Economic Development

Veton Firzi, Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports 

Bedri Dragusha, Professor at the Public University in Prishtina

Luan Morina, Director of the Department / Ministry of Economic Development (MED)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Innovations and Entrepreneurship



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Enis Berisha:              Score: 25.0

Hajriz Koca:                Score: 22.5

Commission Members:

Veton Firzi (Secretary General of MCYS) (Chair)

Fitim Sadiku (Secretary General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 

Kapllan Halimi (Secretary General of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry & Rural Development)

Shpetim Lajqi (Professor at the University of Pristina)

Berat Rukiqi (Kosovo Chamber of Commerce)

Board Directors (4) of the Public Housing Enterprise in Prishtina



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Lendita Mekuli-Myderrizi:   Score: 23.0

Arber Mulaku:                     Score: 20.0

Bekim Pireva:                     Score: 19.5

Arbnore Jashanica:            Score: 19.0

The Commission have had to consider other factors alongside ratings (i.e. accounting experience)

Commission Members:

Dren Kukaj, Chair of the Shareholding Committee

Vesel Makolli, Shareholder

Genc Sherifi, Shareholder

Directors of Board of KOSTT



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Nagip Krasniqi:    Score: 26.0

Enis Berisha:        Score: 25.5

Muzafer Shala:     Score: 24.0

Migjen Kukaj:       Score: 23.5

Mehdi Latifaj:       Score: 22.0

Nebih Zaqiri:        Score: 21.0

Naim Sahiti:          Score: 20.0

Nagip Skenderi:   Score: 20.0

Sejdi Rexhepi:      Score:19.5

Commission Members:

Sala Berisha-Shala (Chair of Panel) Chair of Committee for Economic Development, Trade, Industry & Regional Development

Hykmete Bajrami, Member

Liburn Aliu, Member

Veton Berisha, Member

State Attorney General



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Arsim Zuka:    Score: 23.5

Sami Istrefi:    Score: 22.0

Commission Members:

Qemajl Marmullakaj, Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice (Chair)

Ibrahim Berisha, Deputy Head Prosecutor in the Basic Court in Pristina,

Shadije Gërguri, Judge for Serious Crimes,

Bashkim Preteni, Representative from the Faculty,

Arton Demhasaj, Representative from the civil society

CEO of the Bus Station Prishtina



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Luan Hoti:           Score: 28.0

Naser Krasniqi:   Score: 28.0

Commission Members:

Faton Raci (Chair of the Commission)

Anita Saraçi-Morina (Member)

Afërdita Syla-Ismaili (Member)

Director General of Tax Administration


28/01/2019  -  01/02/2019

Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Sakip Imeri:          Score: 31.0

Dardan Stublla:    Score: 28.0

Hamit Mulaj:         Score: 27.0

Isen Lipovica:       Score: 22.0

Ilir Murtezaj:          Score: 22.0

Commission Members:

Naim Baftiu, (Chair), Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance

Nazmi Zenelaj, Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Development

Arton Berisha, Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Administration

Mrika Kotorri, Professor at the University of Prishtina

Shkëndije Krasniqi, American Chamber of Commerce, Civil Society




Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 45

Gjelosh Vataj:          Score: 28.5

Commission Members:

Ferit Idrizi (Chair)  Head of the NKEC Board

Bedri Dragusha, NKEC Board Member

Shqipe Ahmeti-Berisha, NKEC Board Member

Valon Berisha, NKEC Board Member

Besnik Gecaj, NKEC Board Member

Pristina Parking Enterprise Board Members



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Naser Krasniqi:          Score: 22.0

Commission Members:

Gëzim Mehmeti (Chair), Chair of Pristina Parking Enterprise Municipal Shareholder Committee

Eman Rrahmani, Member of the Pristina Parking Enterprise Municipal Shareholder Committee

Drilon Pireva, Member of the Pristina Parking Enterprise Municipal Shareholder Committee

NKEC Board Members



Candidates Deemed Appointable:

(by Implementation Partners only):

Maximum Score: 35

Pranvera Dobruna:     29.0

Ramadan Sejdiu:        26.0

Edmond Nulleshi:       22.5

Flamur Keqa:              22.0

Commission Members:

Fidaim Sahiti (Chair of panel) CEO of the Geological Service of Kosovo / MED

Lulzim Ejupi (Secretary General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Beqir Mezelxhiu (CEO of the Kosovo Agency  for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety)

Ahmet Zejnullahu (CEO of the Kosovo Forestry Agency)

Shahe Kukaj-Krasniqi (Public Enterprise Analyst at the Ministry of Economic Development)

Rrustem Asllanaj (Professor at the University of Prishtina)

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